Meet Dean Z. Douthat
Matched Pair, Perfect Pair
Dean is currently a matched pair at the University of Michigan Perfect Pair chapter. Since joining the program, Dean has been paired with three different students and was matched with his current pair in 2022.
Since his retirement on July 1, 2019, after 63 years working in hard science and engineering, Dean has taken up writing. Starting with a professional memoir: Accidental Engineer, Dean has also published short fiction, poetry, and essays. As three-term President of the Washtenaw Association for Community Advocacy, Dean led the fight to close State Institutions for those with developmental disabilities and relocate residents into community group homes. Dean also worked to get mileage passed to open/support High Point School for severely disabled people under 26 years old. Lastly, Dean has also worked as an in-home aide for hospice patients.
We're excited to have Dean on Perfect Pair's Advisory Team!